The code I have prepared generates an Asymptote file based on generated ctree object. Here is the procedure that does the conversion.
treeAsy <- function(tree, # ctree to be plotted
off.f, # tree plot fixed shift
off.v, # tree plot variable shift, # output file name
preamble) { # preamble for
minv <- +Inf
maxv <- -Inf
response <- names(tree@responses@variables)
plot.node <- function(root,
nest = 0, # level in a tree
pOffset = 0, # plotting
condition = "root", # split condition text
id = "root") { # block name in asy
if (length(root$prediction) > 1) {
stop("Only single
prediction value supported")
if (root$prediction < minv) minv <<- root$prediction
if (root$prediction > maxv) maxv <<- root$prediction
child.l <- ""
child.r <- ""
if (!root$terminal) {
if (class(root$psplit) == "orderedSplit") {
varN <- root$psplit$variableName
point <- root$psplit$splitpoint
left <- paste(varN, "$\\leq$", point,
right <- paste(varN, "$>$", point,
} else {
orderedSplit supported")
add <- "add(new void(picture pic,
transform t) {
blockconnector operator
--=blockconnector(pic,t);\n "
child.l <- paste(plot.node(root$left, nest + 1,
pOffset - off.f - 1 / off.v ^ nest,
left, paste(id,"l",sep="")),
add,id,"--Down--Left--Down--",id,"l;\n});\n\n", sep="")
child.r <- paste(plot.node(root$right, nest + 1,
pOffset + off.f + 1 / off.v ^ nest,
right, paste(id,"r",sep="")),
add,id,"--Down--Right--Down--",id,"r;\n});\n\n", sep="")
paste("block ", id, " =
condition, "\"),
pack(Label(\"n=", sum(root$weights), "\"),
Label(\"", response, "=",
format(root$prediction), "\")),
(", pOffset, ",", -nest, "), lightgray, col(",
root$prediction, "));",
"\ndraw(", id,");\n\n",
child.l, child.r, sep="")
treestruct <- plot.node(tree@tree)
"\nimport flowchart;\n",
"pen col(real x) {
real minv = ", minv, ";
real maxv = ", maxv, ";
real ratio = 1 - (x - minv) / (maxv - minv);
return rgb(1, ratio, ratio);
treestruct, "\n", sep="")
shell(paste("asy -f
Each node on the plot contains: the condition leading to it, number of observations and response variable prediction (also intensity of red indicates its relative value).
In order to keep the example simple it is very simplified. Currently handles only regression trees with continuous predictors and will generate errors if variable names contain TeX special characters (like &). Additionally you can control the tree layout only manually by setting variables off.f and off.v or by manipulating picture size in the preamble (and one could write a code to layout the plot automatically).
The code produces png output as I needed this format to show the picture on blog, but of course you can generate eps or pdf file which is probably a more suitable option.
And there is the example of the code use based on standard ctree example:
airq <- subset(airquality, !
airct <- ctree(Ozone ~ ., data = airq)
treeAsy(airct, -0.25, 1.4, "tree.asy",
"size(22cm,12cm, keepAspect=false);")
It gives the following output:
Which is much nicer for me in comparison to default plot generated by plot(airct):
You could try
ReplyDeleteplot(airct, type = "simple")
which is rather similar to what you do in Asymptote. Also, if you want to refine these panel functions for the terminal nodes, you can plug in your own. See the source code of the party package for a look at how these are constructed (using "grid").
Finally, the partykit package has a rewritten class for tree objects that makes a few things easier.
Hope that helps,
Thanks for the tips - especially about partykit package I did not know it and will have to check it out.
ReplyDeleteAs for using standard party functionality. For me it was easier to write an export to Asymptote than trying to write my own plug in for party plotting (I have considered it at start).
Two main things I wanted to get were: (1) identical look of terminal and split nodes and (2) consistent graphics when I embed the picture in LaTeX document.
Of course you can convert plot(airct) to LaTeX using tikzDevice but the output file is not OK. After export one has to manually correct it.