It was not so difficult using maps package. Here is the result:
and the code I used to generate it:
x.mid <- function(x1, x2, y1, y2, y.mid) {
x1 + ((x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1)) * (y.mid - y1)
poland <- map("world","poland", fill=T, col="#D4213D")
mid <- mean(poland$range[3:4])
upper <- poland$y > mid
cut1 <- which.max(diff(upper))
x.first <- x.mid(poland$x[cut1], poland$x[cut1 + 1],
poland$y[cut1], poland$y[cut1 + 1], mid)
cut2 <- which.min(diff(upper))
x.last <- x.mid(poland$x[cut2], poland$x[cut2 + 1],
poland$y[cut2], poland$y[cut2 + 1], mid)
upperx <- c(x.first,poland$x[upper],x.last)
uppery <- c(mid, poland$y[upper], mid)
polygon(upperx, uppery, col="white")
I see you, and I raise you :) Three colour flags are a bit harder: I challenge you to add the coat of arms to your flag :)